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In and Outs Workout: Abs Exercise

In and Outs Workout: Abs Exercise

Abs are the foundation for a strong and athletic physique, so it’s crucial to incorporate exercises that target this core area. In and outs are one such exercise that can help you sculpt and strengthen your abs, giving you a tighter and more toned core.

The in and outs workout is a simple yet effective exercise that you can easily do at home. It’s not surprising that many of the most useful abs exercises only require your body weight.

With that said, you can perform some of the most effective and efficient abs exercises. Bodyweight resistance is beneficial because it gives you the freedom to train whenever and wherever you want.

So, how do you perform an in and out exercise? We’ll break down how to do the in and out abdominal exercise correctly so you can start reaping the benefits. 

What Is The In And Out Abs Exercise?

Although in and outs are commonly believed to only work the abs, several other muscles are engaged during this movement.

In and outs primarily target:

  • Rectus abdominis: It is more commonly referred to as the abdominal muscle or abs, is a paired straight muscle. There are two muscles side-by-side, held together by a band of connective tissue in the middle called the linea alba. The rectus abdominis is the primary muscle used during in and outs exercise.
  • Transverse abdominis (TrA): The transversus abdominis muscle is the deepest of the six abdominal muscles. It wraps around your sides and stretch from your lower ribs to your hip bones. This muscle helps stabilize the spine as well as helps you bend and rotate at the waist. In and out exercises help to strengthen this muscle as well.
  • Obliques: Oblique muscles are located in the abdomen and there are two types: external and internal obliques. The obliques are significant in keeping the body balanced during movements, so that there is no uncontrolled movement. In addition, the internal oblique muscles help to stabilize your spine and assist in rotating your torso.

There are other muscles involved in the in and out exercise, such as hip flexors, glutes, and hamstrings. However, these muscles are not as heavily engaged during this movement.

Benefits of Ab In and Out Workout

The in and out workout offers numerous benefits, including:

Improved balance and stability: In and outs require you to engage your core muscles in order to stay balanced and stable, helping you develop greater control over movements.

Better posture: As your abs strengthen, your posture will also improve, helping you stand taller and look more confident.

Increased strength and flexibility: In addition to strengthening your core, the in and out exercise can also increase your overall strength and flexibility by engaging other muscles throughout the body.

Strengthens Core: In and outs are an effective exercise for targeting your core muscles, including the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and obliques. By working these muscles with this movement, you can build a stronger and more defined midsection.

Hip Flexibility: In addition to strengthening your abs, the in and out exercise can also improve hip flexibility by stretching these muscles. If you suffer from tight hips, this movement can help loosen up this area and relieve tension.

The Disadvantages of the In and Outs Workout

While the in and out exercise offers many benefits, there are also a few potential downsides to this movement.

For example:

  • It can be challenging for beginners to perform this exercise correctly, which can lead to poor form and potential injury.
  • Essentially, lifting your legs should target your abs muscles, but as you get stronger, you may find that doing more reps is the only way to effectively work them. However, high rep abs training takes up a lot of time and likely won’t result in strengthening your abdominal muscles further.
  • In and outs require you to engage your core muscles to keep your balance and stay upright, which can lead to strain in the lower back. It is also important to always start with a proper warm-up before performing in and out exercises, as this will help reduce the risk of injury. In addition, it is important to be mindful of your form and make sure to avoid overstretching or overexerting yourself.

How to Do the Ins and Out Abs Exercise: The Basics

  1. Sit on the ground with your legs bent and feet flat on the floor in front of you, your arms resting at your sides.
  2. To get into the “in” position, tighten your core, and maintain a straight back as you raise your hands and feet off the ground, bringing your knees up to meet your chest.
  3. As you lean back and straighten your legs out in front of you, keep your spine straight.
  4. We will now get into the “out” position. Come as close to the floor with your shoulders as possible, but don’t allow them or any other part of your body except for your backside touch the floor.
  5. Maintaining a tight core, lift your shoulders, and bend your legs back into the ‘in’ position.
  6. Aim to complete 3-4 sets of in and out exercise, resting for 1 minute between each set. Repeat the ‘in’, ‘out’ movement for the desired number of repetitions.

10 Creative Ways to Use In and Outs

If the traditional in and outs aren’t for you, shake up your routine with these ten variations.

1. In and out planks: Incorporate the in and out movement into your regular plank routine, either by raising one arm or leg at a time or rotating between each side.

2. In and out V-up: V-ups are an upgraded in and out. They require you to use your upper and lower body at the same time, but because they have longer levers with a wider range of motion, they’re much more complex.

3. In and out crunches: If you’re looking to target your midsection, try doing sit-ups, reverse crunches, or other crunch variations with the in and out movement.

4. In and out Captain’s chair bent knee raise: The captain’s chair bent knee raise not only strengthens your hips flexors, but also works on your abs simultaneously. In addition, being vertical rather than horizontal puts a new spin (literally) on the target muscles, giving much-needed variety to any ab routine.

5. In and outs on an exercise ball: Using an exercise ball during in and outs can provide extra stability as you move through this movement. This can help improve balance while also targeting your core muscles more effectively. Also, great for strengthening the back.

6. In and out bicycles: In and out bicycles are a great way to target your abs while also getting an intense cardio workout. To do them, extend one leg at a time and twist your torso to target your obliques more.

7. In and out leg lifts: These are a great way to strengthen your obliques, as well as your core and legs. In and out leg lifts can also be done using resistance bands to add an extra challenge and build muscle more effectively.

8. In and outs with resistance bands: Adding light resistance bands to in and out exercises can help increase muscle activation in the core area, making this movement more effective for toning and strengthening these muscles.

9. In and outs with kettlebells: Using kettlebells during in and outs can help add extra weight to this exercise, making it even more challenging while still engaging your core muscles effectively.

10. In and outs with sliders: In and out exercises with sliders can help increase the intensity of this movement by making it even harder to maintain your balance. This is a great way to get more out of this core-strengthening exercise.


Whether you’re looking to add some variation to your traditional in and outs or are just looking for a new core workout, there are plenty of creative ways to use this simple exercise. With options like in and out planks, bicycles, leg lifts, and more, there’s something for everyone when it comes to incorporating in and outs into your workout routine!

Also, remember to check with your doctor before starting any new exercise routine, and always be sure to listen to your body as you work out. Happy fitness-ing!