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Is Zero Sugar Monster Good For You? Here’s The Truth

Is Zero Sugar Monster Good For You? Here’s The Truth

When it comes to fueling up before, during, or after a workout session, health-conscious athletes are often faced with a difficult decision.

While energy drinks provide the kick of energy necessary to embark on an intense fitness regimen and ease the fatigue after putting your body through its paces, you’re left questioning if these high-sugar concoctions are worth the crash that follows.

What about zero sugar alternatives?

Is all that’s lost in terms of taste actually good for us?

Today we’re discussing Monster’s Zero Sugar version.

Is it good for you or not?

Stick around and find out as we look into this energizing beverage from all angles!

So, Is Zero Sugar Monster Good For You?

close up of a man drinking an energy drink from a can

Pros of Zero Sugar Monster 

• It is naturally sweetened with a combination of plant-based ingredients, such as stevia and erythritol.

This eliminates the need for artificial sweeteners, which can sometimes be unhealthy.

• Zero sugar Monster energy drinks are a good source of vitamins and minerals that are essential to our health.

Vitamins B2, B6 and B12 help to break down carbohydrates and fats for energy production, while magnesium helps to convert food into energy.

• Zero sugar Monster also contains taurine, an amino acid that helps regulate heart rate and blood pressure.

• There is no added sugar in zero sugar Monster which makes it a healthier alternative to regular energy drinks that contain high amounts of sugar.

• The drink contains only 70 calories per serving, making it suitable for those who are trying to watch their weight.

Cons of Zero Sugar Monster

• Although the drink does not contain any added sugars, it still has a significant amount of caffeine which can cause jitteriness, headaches or stomach aches in some people if they consume too much. 

• Some people may find the taste of zero sugar monster to be too artificial for their liking as well as not having enough flavor compared to regular energy drinks.

What Monster Drink Is The Healthiest?

1. Monster Rehab Energy Drink

This drink contains all-natural ingredients such as tea, electrolytes, and B vitamins, making it one of the healthiest energy drinks on the market.

Its low sugar and calorie count makes it a great choice for those who want to stay energized without adding excess calories to their daily intake. 

2. Monster Ultra Red

This drink is sugar-free and only has 10 calories per can.

It also contains caffeine, B vitamins and electrolytes to help you stay energized throughout the day.

Plus, its light berry flavor makes it a delicious choice for those trying to avoid sugary drinks. 

3. Monster Ultra Sunrise

Another great option when it comes to healthier energy drinks is Monster Ultra Sunrise.

It’s sugar-free and only has 10 calories per can, with no artificial dyes or flavors added.

It’s made with natural guarana extract which provides an extra boost of energy plus electrolytes and B vitamins to keep your body hydrated and energized all day long. 

4. Monster Absolutely Zero

If you’re looking for a flavorless version of an energy drink that won’t leave you feeling sluggish or jittery afterwards then this is the perfect choice for you!

Absolutely Zero contains zero calories and zero sugars but still boasts a powerful blend of caffeine, B vitamins, taurine and guarana extract which gives you all the benefits of an energy drink without any of the unhealthy side effects associated with regular cans of soda or sugary beverages. 

Can Monster Zero Help With Weight Loss?

woman on a bicycle drinking an energy drink from a bottle

No, Monster Zero Energy Drinks cannot help with weight loss.

Caffeine is thought to slightly increase metabolism, however, this effect is usually reversed when the person stops drinking the energy drink.

There are no studies that prove that energy drinks aid in weight loss.

If you’re looking for a way to lose weight successfully and sustainably, diet and exercise are still the recommended approaches.

Eating a healthy balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats is recommended for overall health as well as weight management.

Additionally, engaging in physical activity at least 30 minutes per day can also help you reach your fitness goals safely and effectively.

What Does Monster Zero Do To The Body?

man on a bicycle drinking an energy drink from a bottle

Caffeine is the primary active ingredient in Monster Zero Sugar Energy Drinks and can have both positive and negative effects on the body.

Caffeine acts as a central nervous system stimulant, increasing alertness and focus while reducing fatigue.

However, large doses of caffeine can cause

  • Nervousness
  • Irritability
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Insomnia

Taurine is an amino acid found naturally in some foods which functions as an antioxidant and helps regulate cell membrane fluidity, however its impacts on energy levels are still unknown.

B vitamins are important for metabolic processes like energy production from glucose and fat breakdown, however the amount present in Monster Zero Sugar Energy Drinks is too small to have any real impact on energy levels.

Finally, artificial sweeteners such as sucralose or erythritol may provide sweetness without added calories but their long-term health impacts are still not fully understood.

In summary, Monster Zero Sugar Energy Drinks provide a quick burst of energy due to the presence of caffeine but potential side effects should be considered before consuming high amounts of these drinks regularly.

How Much Monster Zero Can You Drink In One Day?

woman drinking an energy drink from a bottle- is zero sugar monster good for you?

Monster Zero Sugar Energy should be consumed with moderation.

People should limit their intake of caffeine to 400 milligrams per day.

Each 16 oz can of Monster Zero contains 160 mg of caffeine, meaning an individual should not have more than 2-3 cans in one day. 

It is also important to note that drinking too much energy drinks can lead to serious health risks and adverse effects.

Excessive consumption can cause symptoms such as rapid heartbeat and increase in blood pressure, diarrhea, headaches, chest pains and insomnia.

In extreme cases, it can even lead to seizures or death due to an overdose of caffeine or other ingredients in the drink. 

Therefore, it is essential for individuals to monitor and regulate their consumption of energy drinks like Monster Zero Sugar Energy Drinks accordingly for their safety and well-being.

Can Monster Zero Cause Weight Gain?

It is possible for Monster Zero Energy Drinks to cause weight gain, depending on how much of the product an individual consumes.

Caffeine in Monster Zero stimulates metabolism and suppresses appetite, which can lead to more snacking and overconsumption of calories.

Furthermore, research has shown that energy drinks such as Monster Zero can increase stress levels and cortisol production in the body.

When cortisol levels are elevated, the body holds onto fat stores and cravings for junk food may be heightened.

So while drinking one or two cans of Monster Zero Energy Drink per day may not be likely to cause significant weight gains by itself, excessive consumption could contribute to weight gain over time.

Is Redbull Better For You?

close up of a red bull energy drink with the background blurred

Redbull and Monster energy drinks are both popular options for those looking for a quick energy boost.

Redbull is often touted as the superior energy drink due to its higher caffeine content and fewer calories.

In addition, Redbull also uses natural sweeteners such as glucose, sucrose, and dextrose instead of artificial sweeteners like aspartame or acesulfame potassium that are found in Monster.

In terms of taste, many people prefer Redbull’s sweeter flavor over Monster’s bitter and sharp taste.

Additionally, Redbull has been found to have more antioxidants than Monster and is free from some of the additives in Monster such as taurine and niacinamide.

This makes it better for health-conscious consumers who want to limit their exposure to synthetic ingredients.

Redbull is generally considered the better option due to its higher caffeine content, lower calorie count, healthier ingredients list, and sweeter flavor profile.

However, if you’re looking for an intense energy burst without any added sugar or calories then you might find that Monster satisfies your needs better than Redbull does.

Ultimately, it’s up to the individual consumer to decide which one works best for them.

Can Monster Zero Burn Fat?

Monster Zero energy drinks are not designed to specifically burn fat, however they can be part of a healthy lifestyle that may result in weight loss.

While Monster Zero has zero sugar and little calories, it is still an energy drink and not a substitute for meals.

The caffeine in Monster Zero can provide a boost of energy, which could help people stay active during the day, resulting in more calories being burned.

However, drinking Monster Zero alone will not cause the body to significantly burn fat.

It should instead be used as part of a comprehensive weight-management plan that includes regular exercise and healthy eating habits.

Can You Drink Monster Zero While On A Fast?

man at the gym drinking an energy drink

No, people should not drink Monster Zero Sugar energy while fasting.

Fasting requires abstaining from all caloric sources and beverages, making it an inappropriate choice for those observing any type of fast.

Any ingested calories will break the fast, as the body is no longer in a state of ketosis or fat burning mode.

Instead, it is recommended to drink unsweetened coffee or tea without creamer or creamers with low sugar content such as almond milk during a fast to remain hydrated.

Are All Energy Drinks Considered Unhealthy?

The article from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) examines the potential health risks associated with energy drinks.

The study found that energy drink consumption is linked to a variety of short-term and long-term adverse health effects, including increased risk for hypertension, diabetes, stroke, and myocardial infarction.

Additionally, energy drinks have been found to increase users’ heart rate, blood pressure, metabolic rate, and body temperature.

The study also noted that excessive caffeine intake has been linked to insomnia, anxiety, restlessness and gastrointestinal issues among other potential side effects.

Furthermore, the use of sugar-sweetened beverages as a replacement for water may lead to dehydration.

This study shows that there are significant potential health risks associated with drinking energy drinks and it is strongly recommended that people limit their consumption of such beverages in order to protect their overall health.


In conclusion, the choice to incorporate zero sugar Monster into your diet ultimately comes down to your personal health goals.

It is important to remain mindful of the intake as too much Monster Zero can be detrimental to your long-term health.

Take it one step at a time and consult with your doctor before commencing on any dietary changes that might affect your wellbeing.


What is in Zero Sugar Monster?

Zero Sugar Monster is made with a variety of ingredients including carbonated water, taurine, glucuronolactone, caffeine, panax ginseng extract, and inositol.

It is also sweetened with sucralose and is free from sugar.

What are the pros of drinking Zero Sugar Monster?

Zero Sugar Monster is a low-calorie and sugar-free alternative to the original Monster energy drinks. It is also an excellent source of energy for those who need a quick boost.

What are the cons of drinking Zero Sugar Monster?

The primary issue is that it still contains a high amount of caffeine and other stimulants, which can lead to jitters, headaches, and/or insomnia when consumed in excess.

Is Zero Sugar Monster healthy for you?

Zero Sugar Monster is healthier than regular sugar-filled energy drinks, but is still not considered a health food due to its high caffeine content and potential to create habit-forming addictions.

It is important to stay mindful of your consumption and make sure not to exceed recommended daily intake.

What are the side effects of drinking Zero Sugar Monster?

The side effects of drinking Zero Sugar Monster can range from jitteriness and headaches, to dizziness and insomnia.