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What’s The Average Bicep Size? The Answer To Bigger Biceps

What’s The Average Bicep Size? The Answer To Bigger Biceps

It’s no secret that many of us are looking to beef up our biceps. There’s nothing like those bulging muscles to make you stand out from the crowd and show off your strength.

But what is the average bicep size, and how do you get bigger biceps? Let’s take a look.

The average bicep size can vary significantly depending on your age, gender, and body composition.

However, if you’re looking to increase the size of your biceps, there are a few tips that can help.

Bicep Anatomy

man performing single arm preacher curl

Before we get to the average biceps size and how to increase them, let’s review the anatomy of your biceps muscles so you can make sure that every activity targets those guns precisely.

With this understanding in mind, it won’t be long before you are proudly showing off 15-inch or even 19-inch beefy arms!

Let’s Break It Down

The biceps, or two-headed muscle as they are literally translated from Latin, reside on the front of your upper arm across from the triceps.

These muscles are comprised of a long and short head that serve various functions to strengthen and mobilize arms.

The larger of the two heads, the long head of biceps, aids in forming the peak appearance on your upper arm.

It originates from a small projection near the coracoid process (the supraglenoid tubercle) located in your shoulder blade and then combines with its smaller counterpart before snaking over to where it attaches itself onto your forearm through an intricate tendon system.

By doing so, this muscle group crosses both elbow joint and radius alike!

Although the short head of your bicep is smaller than its long counterpart, it nevertheless provides a wide base to create an overall visible peak.

Starting from the coracoid process located in your scapula, this muscle merges with the longer one without sharing any fibers along their journey up to mid-region.

Your biceps muscles serve two important functions:

  • They allow you to flex your elbow, which is the same motion as when performing a traditional bicep curl.
  • And they enable supination of the forearms, or turning your wrists outwards.

It’s critical to highlight that the strength of your biceps is directly dependent on the angle between your forearm and shoulder.

Two other key muscles to emphasize are the brachialis and brachioradialis. By focusing on these in addition to your bicep workouts, you can start seeing results faster!

The brachialis, located beneath the biceps, serves as the primary elbow flexor and generates an incredible 50% more power than the biceps.

The brachioradialis, found along the radius side of your upper forearm, helps to both flex and rotate the elbow region. To work this muscle more intensely during curls, switch to a reverse grip for added benefit!

What’s The Average Bicep Size For Men?

picture of the average bicep size for men

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted research between 2015-2018, determining the average man’s bicep size to be 13.5 inches in circumference.

With 781 men being sampled, the presented bicep circumference data is likely taken from an unflexed measurement of the general population and not bodybuilders.

A singular collection of anthropometric reference data contains measurements for 7 age-specific categories.

As a reference point, the average arm size of men aged between 30-39 is 14 inches.

We decided to use the 20-29 age range as a basis for our average biceps size because we find that it’s typically younger men who are curious about their arm circumference and want to learn more.

As you get older, your arm circumference and biceps size will naturally transform over time. It is also important to note that the average biceps size differs between males and females.

What’s The Average Bicep Size For Women?

woman performing alternating bicep curls

What is the typical bicep size for females, based on research findings?

According to the anthropometric reference data from 2021, women typically have a bicep circumference of 12.5 inches on average.

We’ve measured the upper arm circumference of 799 women aged 20-29 to determine this figure.

Women aged 80+ were observed to have the smallest average arm circumference of 11.65 inches, while those in between 40-49 years old had a comparably higher bicep measurement of 13.11 inches.

Is It Difficult To Expand Your Bicep Muscles?

It might seem intimidating, but increasing the average bicep size isn’t as difficult as you may think.

Simply put, it comes down to maintaining a regular and consistent workout routine that involves a variety of exercises for both your short and long head muscles.

These exercises include traditional bicep curls, hammer curls, and incline dumbbell curls.

It’s also important to include more compound exercises such as chin-ups and pull-ups, which can help you not only build your biceps but also increase your overall strength.

Other helpful tips to consider are making sure you’re getting enough rest between workouts and eating a healthy, balanced diet for optimal recovery and growth.

Your Biceps May Not Be Growing Because

You’re not working out hard enough or consistently enough. It’s important to give your muscles time to recover and rest between workouts for optimal performance and growth.

You might also be doing too many exercises for one muscle group, which can lead to overtraining or injury.

You’re not eating the right foods or enough of them. You need to make sure you are consuming a balanced diet with plenty of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats to fuel your workouts and give your muscles the nutrients they need to grow.

You may need to switch up your routine. The average person can easily plateau with their bicep workouts as they become accustomed to the same exercises and reps.

Change up your workout schedule or add more challenging exercises such as chin ups to push yourself further.

How To Measure Your Biceps

Knowing your average bicep size is one thing, but you’ll want to measure your own arms for more accurate results.

To properly measure the circumference of your upper arm biceps, wrap a tape around the elbow region while flexing. Hold it tight and ensure that it’s level all the way around.

The measurement should be taken at the widest point of your biceps, usually about halfway between the elbow and shoulder.

Once you’ve got a good grip on the tape, take a reading and record it for future reference.

The average bicep size is an important metric since changes in muscle size can indicate overall health and fitness levels.

What Bicep Size Is Considered Big?

Bigger biceps are usually considered to be those that measure 14 or more inches in circumference.

While this isn’t necessarily a standard measurement, it can serve as a general guide for what is typically regarded as “large” by the average person.

Regardless of average size, everyone’s arms will look and feel different based on genetics, exercise routine and nutrition.

Famous Bodybuilders Bicep Size

Famous bodybuilders have famously big biceps that make average bicep size look puny in comparison.

For example, Arnold Schwarzenegger had an impressive 19-inch bicep circumference when he was at his peak.

Similarly, six-time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates has an even bigger arm measurement with a 20-inch average.

These impressive figures are far above the average bicep size, but they give a good indication of what is possible with dedication and hard work.

How To Build Bigger Biceps

Whether you’re hoping to develop 15-19 inch arms or something else entirely, it’s all about your personal goals.

What matters is that you create an arm size that fits proportionally with the rest of your body. If at this point in time, your upper arms are average or below averge – don’t fret! Take advantage of the tips discussed here and they’ll help get those biceps bulking up in no time.

  1. Hypertrophy should be at the core of your training regimen rather than strength or endurance. The perfect rep count for this type of workout is 6-12 reps; unless performing drop sets and supersets, make sure all exercises remain in that range. However, it’s essential that each repetition is difficult; if you reach the end with energy still left over to do a few more reps then perhaps you need to up your weight load in order for muscle growth stimulation.
  2. Don’t Overdo It: The lack of progress in your arm gains may be due to the fact that you are exceeding the recommended amount of bicep exercises. To properly perform upper body exercises, your biceps and triceps muscles must be engaged. This means that you are likely utilizing more of the bicep muscle than you initially thought. It is important to limit training these muscles no more than twice a week – this doesn’t matter which routine split method you choose!
  3. Be Consistent: Your average bicep size will only grow if you stay consistent and continue to push yourself in the gym. If your workouts are sporadic and inconsistent, then you won’t see any real gains as it is difficult for your muscles to remain stimulated when regularly changing exercises.
  4. Set a schedule that works for you, stick to it and track your progress. Now that you know the average bicep size, as well as how to measure and build bigger biceps, it’s time to get out there and start training! With the right mindset and dedication, you’ll be able to achieve.

Exercises That Build Biceps

The average bicep size can be increased through certain exercises and movements that target the muscle. Some of the most effective moves include:

  • Bicep Curl: This exercise is probably the most recognizable bicep move. Its primary goal is to build strength and size in your arms.• Hammer Curl: This movement targets both the long head and short head of your biceps, making it a great exercise for overall development.
  • Incline Curl: This exercise helps to shape and define your biceps, as well as build some mass.
  • Chin-up/Pull Up: This is an essential move for building your back muscles and increasing overall arm size.
  • Dumbbell Row: A great all-round exercise that increases the strength and size of your arms.

How Often Do You Exercise Biceps?

In order to optimize muscle growth, you should aim to train your biceps at least twice a week. This allows the muscles sufficient time to recover in between workouts and stimulates growth. As mentioned earlier, it is important to ensure that all reps are completed with proper form and full range of motion for maximum efficiency.

How Many Exercises Should I do For Biceps?

To take full advantage of your biceps workout, make sure to include a variety of exercises that hit them at various angles. When designing your session, try not to exceed 3-4 different moves in order to avoid overtraining and maximize efficiency.


Building bigger biceps is not an easy task; it requires dedication, consistency and knowledge of the right exercises. With enough time and effort, you can achieve an average bicep size or even better. Implementing the tips discussed here into your training routine will help to increase your arm size, strength and definition in no time!