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How Long Does It Take To Get Ripped? What You Should Know

How Long Does It Take To Get Ripped? What You Should Know

There are two main goals for people going to the gym. The first (and best) goal is to achieve and maintain an adequate level of health.

The other goal is probably the more popular: to get ripped and make your body look as good as possible. However, getting ripped takes time. So, how long does it ultimately take to get ripped?

Getting ripped can happen anywhere between 3 and 12 months. However, the time it takes to get ripped always depends on your starting point.

For example, if you have a not-so-great physique, it will take you longer to get ripped than someone who starts working out with an already-decent physique.

Some people’s bodies react differently to the amount of exercise they participate in. Still, some methods and plans can get you ripped quickly. Getting ripped does not need to be hard.

So, get your gym clothes on and get ready to learn how long it takes to get shredded and methods to get it done as soon as possible.

How Many Months Of Gym Needed Until I’m Ripped?

Learn how long it takes to get ripped - calendar

Unfortunately, there is no accurate and definitive answer to this question. A bunch of different factors comes into play when it comes to seeing how long it takes to get shredded or ripped.

Luckily for you, we will go over what goes into becoming ripped as soon as possible and how long it theoretically should take you to get ripped.

It takes an average of three to twelve months as the time it takes someone to get ripped. However, this changes from person to person.

The starting point of your gym story is the biggest determinant of the total time it will take you to get ripped.

It will take someone longer to get ripped if they have a larger figure, meaning they have more weight to lose to get ripped. But many other determining factors come into play when you begin your working-out journey.

Things like your discipline, diet, and genetics also change how long it will take you to get ripped. If your starting physique is better, you go to the gym multiple times a week, have a good diet, and your body reacts well to working out, you will get ripped in no time.

However, if you do not contain these characteristics, you should not be discouraged. While you cannot change your genetics and starting point, you can still have an incredible amount of discipline when working out frequently and maintaining the right diet. With these, you will definitely be ripped in no time at all.

What Does It Mean To Be Ripped?

Throughout the history of working out, bodybuilding, and getting fit in other ways, people and groups have come up with words to describe different physiques. In some cases, multiple words may be able to describe the same physique.

For example, while heavy lifters may be considered huge due to their enormously large muscles, they will not look the same as someone who is ripped.

The term ripped usually describes someone with more visible muscle than most people, a larger amount of definition between each muscle, and a physique similar to a bodybuilder (but it looks like the bodybuilder has been scaled down). 

In short, someone who is ripped visibly comes off as someone with more muscle than body fat. A term like shredded would rather refer to someone closer to a bodybuilder’s physique than anything else.

What Is Good Discipline When Trying To Get Ripped?

As we have mentioned, your discipline and motivation when going to the gym and trying to get ripped are some of the biggest determinants of your progress and how fast it happens.

Although, having good discipline does not just mean you go to the gym and work out thrice weekly. There is a load of work that goes into having good discipline.

Good discipline in your work out journey should always start with a definitive schedule, followed by a list of goals and targets.

Next, you need to work through when you have time to work out, how many days you can work out in a week and how many days you want to work out a week.

Finally, once you have dedicated a few days a week to your schedule, you need to start planning your routine.

A gym routine is important, keeping you productive and allowing you to get as much exercise as possible in whatever time frame you wish to work out.

There are many different workout routines that you can follow online, which are often tailored to different people’s needs. Once you have a schedule and routine, you should be ready to get ripped in no time.

But a schedule and routine are not the only ways you need to stay disciplined. Having the correct diet and lifestyle is just as important.

For example, if you work out every day but at the same time eat fast food every day, you will see almost no progress. The same goes for not having enough sleep, not drinking enough water, and putting other items into your body that will hurt your progress.

What Is A Good Diet When Trying To Get Ripped?

how long does it take to get ripped- healthy meal

There is a different diet for every different person, depending on the goals they want to achieve. For example, someone with little or no muscle or body fat will need to pick up body weight to get ripped or into their ideal shape.

On the contrary, an overweight person will need to lose weight and gain muscle when they want to achieve their ideal shape.

When attempting to lose weight, a person needs to be in a caloric deficit, meaning they will be required to burn more calories in a day than the number of calories they consume. This is why it is important to have a diet that suits your needs, whether you want to lose or pick up weight.

No matter what diet you choose, the diet shouldn’t allow you to cheat in ways that will harm your body and your progress.

You will have to be disciplined with your diet too. Once you have picked a diet that is proven to work and cater to your personal needs, you need to stick to it.

The more you fail at sticking to your diet requirements, the slower your progress will be. Making sure that one gets enough sleep and drinking enough water is as important to your diet as the food you eat.

How to Get Ripped

The quest for the perfect beach body is a never-ending one, but that doesn’t mean it has to be a difficult journey. With the right attitude and a few smart lifestyle choices, you can reach your goals in no time.

Here are 9 surefire ways to get shredded:

1. Cut out the junk food

This one is a no-brainer. If you want to lose weight, you need to cut out the unhealthy snacks and processed meals. Load up on fruits, vegetables, and lean protein instead.

2.  More NEAT activities

NEAT stands for “non-exercise activity thermogenesis.” In other words, it’s the energy you expend on activities other than sleeping, eating, and exercising.

Examples of NEAT activities include walking, fidgeting, and even housework. The more you move throughout the day, the more calories you’ll burn.

3. Drink plenty of water

Staying hydrated is essential for both health and weight loss. Drinking plenty of water will help to flush out toxins and reduce bloat.

4. Get enough sleep

When you’re well-rested, your body functions more efficiently. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night to banish fatigue and maximize fat burning.

5. Avoid stress

Chronic stress can lead to weight gain, so it’s important to find ways to relax and de-stress. Yoga, meditation, and spending time in nature are all great ways to keep your stress levels in check.

6.Lift weights

Lifting weights is an effective way to get ripped. By building muscle, you will create a more sculpted look.

If you’re new to lifting, start with lighter weights and gradually increase the amount of weight you lift over time.

7. Don’t forget about cardio

In addition to lifting weights, you should also do cardio exercises that help with muscle growth.

There’s no need to suffer through hours of tedious cardio in order to achieve the ripped body of your dreams.

HIIT (high-intensity interval training) is a great form of cardio that alternates between periods of intense activity and brief periods of rest. This type of cardio is very effective at burning fat.

Low intensity cardio is a great option for those who are just starting out or who are trying to build muscle.

You can hit the stair master or treadmill at an incline to further engage your leg muscles and maximize muscle growth.

8.Increase protein intake

Protein is an essential nutrient for muscle growth. Protein is important for muscle growth and maintenance. It can also aid in recovery, especially if you are in a calorie deficit.

Be sure to include plenty of protein-rich foods in your diet, such as chicken, fish, eggs, and tofu. If you’re struggling to get enough protein, you can also supplement with protein powder.

9. Be patient

Getting ripped doesn’t happen overnight. We all want immediate results, but it’s important to be patient and focus on the long-term goal.

Losing weight takes time, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. Stay consistent with these healthy habits and you’ll reach your goals in no time.

So, get moving – Exercise is key for burning calories and shedding fat. A combination of cardio and strength training will help you achieve the best results.


The time frame it takes someone to get ripped is not definite, and it depends on many factors.

The four main factors are diet, discipline, starting point, and genetics.

While the starting point and genetics are not exactly controllable, a good discipline for working out and dieting (and having the right diet) is much more controllable.

Getting ripped on average takes anywhere between three and twelve months. However, that may change for people with a starting physique far from their goal.

It is important to remember that time does not matter when working out. Only the end goal to be healthy and look good should be your motivator to carry on working out for as long as possible.