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Is Benching 135 Good For You? An In-Depth Analysis

Is Benching 135 Good For You? An In-Depth Analysis

It’s a question as old as the barbell itself: Is benching 135 good for you? Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced lifter, the answer is a resounding yes—bench pressing 135 is both a great way to build strength, as well as an important milestone in the world of weightlifting.

In this blog post , we’ll discuss the pros and cons of benching 135, is it a good or bad idea to attempt this lift, how to properly perform the exercise, is it suitable for beginners, how hard is it to reach this number, and what is a respectable bench press.

We’ll also cover ways you can go beyond 135 if you’re looking to improve your bench press strength.

135 Bench Press: What Is It?

man bench pressing

Pumping iron with 135 pounds is a feat of strength. It literally means you’re pressing a bar loaded with 135 pounds of weight over your chest.

This amount, which translates to 60 kilograms or two 45 pound plates on either end of an Olympic barbell, will challenge you and ultimately make you stronger.

It is a respectable amount of weight to bench press, and is seen as a rite of passage for many powerlifters.

 Is Benching 135 Good Or Bad?

Bench pressing is a great exercise for developing strength and building muscle. It is considered one of the most important exercises in any weightlifting program.

Bench pressing is a compound exercise, meaning it works multiple muscle groups at once. As such, bench pressing 135 is great for building overall strength and can help with improving performance in other exercises.

However, bench pressing is also an incredibly technical exercise and is not something to be taken lightly.

Improper form can lead to serious injury. Proper form is essential for bench pressing 135, and is especially important if you are a beginner.

How To Properly Bench Press

Video Credit: Buff Dudes

If you are new to the bench press, it is important to get familiar with proper form before attempting 135.

Here is a step-by-step guide to proper bench press form:

1. Lie on the bench with your feet flat on the floor.

2. Hold the barbell with an overhand grip, palms facing away from you.

3. Make sure your wrists are straight and your eyes are focused on the weight.

4. Lower the weight to your chest, keeping your arms perpendicular to the floor.

5. Push the barbell up and away from your chest, locking out your arms at the top.

6. Repeat for desired number of repetitions.

Should I Incline Bench 135?

Incline bench pressing is a great way to target your upper chest muscles and is a safe alternative to flat bench pressing.

It is possible to incline bench press 135, although not all weight benches are designed for such a heavy load. Make sure your weight bench is rated to handle this amount of weight before attempting it.

Can Anyone Bench Press 135?

Yes, anyone is capable of benching 135 pounds. However, it is important to remember that reaching this milestone is no easy feat and is not something to be taken lightly.

It is important to build up to this weight gradually, ensuring proper form is used throughout the process.

How Hard Is It To Bench 135?

Teenage boy doing bench presses

For some folks, this is considered a high benchmark to set and that is why you see many pushing themselves to get there.

It is incredibly difficult for those who have never attempted this weight before but is definitely achievable with proper training and dedication.

While benching 135 is impressive, the actual benchmark should be personal and is one that is set by each individual lifter.

How Long Does It Take To Get To 135 Bench Press?

This is different for every person and is dependent on a variety of factors, including age, weight, body composition, lifestyle habits, training frequency, etc.

Generally speaking, it is recommended to work your way up to 135 over the course of several months. Start by taking baby steps and increase your weight each week.

What Is A Respectable Bench Press?

A respectable bench press is considered to be one that is equivalent to or greater than 135 pounds.

It is important to note that it is more than just a number. A respectable bench is one that is achieved with proper form and technique, as well as dedication and hard work.

How Can I Bench More Than 135?

  • Learn Proper Technique. Before attempting to increase the weight on your bench press, it is important to learn correct form and technique. You should focus on keeping your feet firmly planted on the ground with your arms approximately shoulder width apart. Keep your chest up and use controlled movements, as explosiveness can be dangerous. Talk to a personal trainer or watch online tutorials for specific tips and advice.
  • Warm-Up Your Muscles. Before starting each workout, make sure you properly warm up by either doing dynamic stretches or light cardio exercises such as jogging or jump rope. This will help relax your muscles and increase blood flow so that when you begin lifting weights, you are ready for more intense activity without injury.
  • Increase Weight Gradually. Once you decide to add more weight for bench press exercises, do not overload yourself immediately but instead focus on small weight increases in order to continue progressing safely over time. Start by adding 5lbs at a time until you reach 135lbs or beyond if possible.
  • Change Your Workout Routine Regularly. In order to keep seeing results from bench pressing, change up your exercises every two weeks or so in order to work different muscles and make sure those same ones aren’t getting overworked or fatigued too quickly due to repetition of the same moves over and over again. 
  • Focus on Recovery and Sleep Habits. Recovery is just as important as putting in the hard work during workouts – make sure you rest properly between sessions in order to let your body repair itself and build stronger muscles over time. Additionally, getting enough sleep – around 8 hours per day – is essential for restoring energy levels so that those workouts can be done with intensity without feeling exhausted all the time!
  • Fuel your Body with the Right Amount of Protein and Calories. Eating the right kind of food is essential to keep your body functioning optimally and allowing you to continue challenging yourself in the gym. Make sure that you are consuming enough protein daily for muscle repair, as well as a healthy balance of carbohydrates and fats to provide energy throughout the day.


Bench pressing is an important exercise to build strength and muscle mass, with the goal of many being to bench 135 lbs.

This is achievable with proper technique and dedication, as well as ensuring you have the right lifestyle habits such as rest, recovery and nutrition.

With enough hard work and perseverance, anyone can reach this milestone – no matter if they’re a beginner or an experienced athlete. Good luck!