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Stupid- Simple 6 Day Workout Routine

Stupid- Simple 6 Day Workout Routine

Successfully completing a 6 day workout routine requires immense dedication, determination and strength.

It might be one of the most efficient muscle and strength-building training splits if you are determined and dedicated enough to see it through until the 6th day. However, this does not mean that it will be easy.

A 6 day workout split will test your limits both physically and mentally. It can be gruelling, tiring and sometimes downright soul-destroying.

But if you want to see results then a 6 day workout routine is definitely for you!

This article will explain the 6 day workout split in detail and show you how to set up your own program if you decide to take on this challenge.

So get ready to push yourself to the limits and build some serious muscle with the 6 day workout split!

What Is A 6 Day Split Workout?

A 6 day split workout is a weight training program that involves 6 days of exercise per week followed by 1 day of rest. If that sounds like a lot of work, you’re right!

A 6 day split is not for the faint of heart or those who are new to weight training. This type of program is designed for experienced lifters who are looking to take their gains to the next level.

The 6 day split workout revolves around lifting heavy weights and performing compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups at the same time. This type of training is extremely effective for building muscle and strength.

Training each muscle group twice per week allows you to hit each muscle with a heavy weight 2 times in a 6 day period. This is enough to stimulate muscle growth without overtraining any one muscle group.

If you are new to weightlifting, or if you have any health concerns, it is always best to speak to a doctor or certified personal trainer before starting any new workout routine.

The 6 days are typically split into upper body and lower body days, with some variations in between.

For example, you might have 2 chest days, 2 back days, 2 leg Days and 1 arm day. Or you might have 1 chest and triceps day, 1 back and biceps day, 2 leg days, and 1 shoulder day.

The 6 day split workout is a very popular training split as it allows you to train each muscle group 2-3 times per week.

This is the sweet spot for most people in terms of training frequency as it allows for optimal muscle growth.

Any more than 3 times per week and you are at risk of overtraining, any less and you are not giving your muscles enough stimulation to grow.

The 6 day split workout is therefore an excellent choice for those looking to build muscle and strength.

What Are Some Of The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Following A 6 Day Split?

There are many advantages to following a 6 day split workout routine.

Some of the main advantages include:

  • You can train each muscle group 2 times per week which is optimal for muscle growth.
  • 6 days split routines are very effective for building muscle and strength.
  • It helps to prevent overtraining by giving each muscle group ample time to recover.
  • You can focus on lifting heavy weights and performing compound exercises.
  • 6 day split routines are excellent for experienced lifters who are looking to take their gains to the next level.

Some of the main disadvantages include:

  • It can be time-consuming and difficult to fit into a busy schedule.
  • 6 day split routines can be repetitive and monotonous.
  • You have to be very disciplined and dedicated to stick with it.
  • There is a greater risk of overtraining if you don’t take proper rest days.

If you are serious about building muscle and strength, then a 6 day split workout routine is an excellent option to consider. Just make sure that you are disciplined and dedicated enough to stick with it!

Is It Safe To Exercise 6 Times A Week?

There is no definitive answer to whether it is ok to workout 6 times a week or not.

Some people may feel that this level of exercise can be too much, while others may feel that they need to work out more frequently in order to achieve their fitness goals.

However, this sort of split is only advised for those with a solid fitness and lifting weights background because it necessitates rigorous training and adequate recuperation time to be effective.

Ultimately, the key is to listen to your body and find a workout routine that works for you.

With the right dedication, focus, and discipline, however, a 6 day split can help you achieve your fitness goals faster than ever before. just make sure to take care of yourself and respect your limits along the way!

The Importance Of A Good Recovery

If you’re going to be following a 6 day split workout routine, it’s important to have a good recovery plan in place. This is because this sort of training can put a lot of strain on your body and if you don’t allow yourself adequate time to recover, you risk overtraining.

Video credit: Dr. Eric Berg DC

Some of the best ways to promote recovery include:

– Getting enough sleep: aim for 8-10 hours per night.

– Eating a nutritious and well-balanced diet: make sure to get plenty of protein, healthy fats, fruits, vegetables, and complex carbs.

– Taking rest days: make sure to take at least 1 day off from training each week.

Foam rolling and stretching: these activities can help to improve flexibility and reduce muscle soreness.

– Taking recovery supplements: certain supplements like protein powder, BCAA’s, and glutamine can help to promote muscle growth and recovery.

– Drinking plenty of water: aim for 2-3 liters per day.

– Reducing stress: try to avoid excessive stress in your life as it can impact recovery.

If you want to experience the optimal benefits of a 6 day workout split, focus on active rest and taking care of your body. This will allow your body to keep up with the regular demand for workouts.

With these tips and strategies, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your fitness goals in no time!

Tell-tale Signs That You May Be Overtraining

girl fatigued at the gym doing a 6 day workout routine

If you find that you are struggling to recover from your workouts or you are constantly feeling fatigued, it may be a sign that you are overtraining.

Some other signs and symptoms of overtraining include:

  • Insomnia or poor sleep quality
  • Irritability and moodiness
  • Loss of motivation and decreased performance
  • Decreased appetite and weight loss
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Frequent injuries or nagging pain

If you are experiencing any of these signs, it’s important to take a step back and reassess your training routine. Make sure that you are giving yourself adequate time to recover between workouts and focus on active rest.

How Long Should 6 Day Split Workouts Last To Be Effective?

There is no definitive answer as to how long 6 day split workouts should last. However, most experts recommend that these types of routines should be followed for 6-8 weeks in order to experience the optimal benefits.

The length of a workout session can vary greatly depending on a variety of factors, including the individual’s fitness level, their goals for the workout, and what type of exercise they are doing.

Generally speaking, though, most workouts should last anywhere from 45 to 60 minutes.

At the upper end of this range, workouts can be challenging and intense, pushing the body to its limits and leading to significant improvements in strength and endurance over time.

However, shorter workouts can also be beneficial for those who are just starting out or who have very busy schedules that don’t always allow for long bouts of exercise.

Ultimately, the length of a workout session depends largely on the individual’s needs and preferences.

Whether you’re aiming for short and sweet or long and grueling, it is important to find an exercise routine that works for you so that you can achieve your fitness goals in a safe and effective way.

Questions To Consider When Picking Your Workout Plan

To pick the right workout plan, you must first consider your goals and fitness level.

  • Are you looking to build muscle tone, lose weight, or improve your overall health?
  • How much time can you devote to working out each day?
  • What kind of intensity are you comfortable with?

Additionally, it is important to think about your lifestyle and commitments, as well as any existing injuries or health conditions that may impact your ability to exercise.

With all this in mind, it is critical to find a workout plan that will help you achieve your goals while being sustainable and manageable in the long term.

This may involve experimenting with different types of workouts such as cardio training, strength training, dance classes, or outdoor activities like hiking or running.

Ultimately, the key is to find something that works for you and helps you feel energized and motivated.

Push Pull Legs Workout Routine – 6 day split

– Day 1: Chest, Triceps and Shoulders

– Day 2: Back, Biceps, and Traps

– Day 3: Legs

– Day 4: Chest, Triceps, and Shoulders

– Day 5: Back, Biceps, and Traps

– Day 6: Legs

– Day 7: Rest

As you can see, each muscle group is trained twice per week on the 6 day split. This is often considered to be the optimal frequency for building muscle and strength.

The Best Exercises For Pull Day:

– Deadlifts

– Barbell rows

– Pull ups

– Lat pull downs

– Dumbbell rows

The Best Exercises For Push Day:

– Bench press

– Incline bench press

– Military press

– Push ups

– Dumbbell presses

The Best Exercises For Leg Day:

– Squats

– Leg press

– Deadlifts

– Lunge

– Calf raise

What About Ab Workouts?

man doing ab workouts that are part of a 6 day workout routine

We forego ab-specific workout because the exercises in our workout split engage your core. However, if you feel like you need to add in some extra ab work, we recommend doing it on your rest days or after your main workout for the day is complete.

The Best Exercises For Abs:

– Sit ups

– Crunches

– Reverse crunches

What About Cardio?

walking on a treadmill that's part of a 6 day workout routine

Cardio can be added in on rest days or on days when you are not lifting weights. When you are on your rest day, you can still stay active.

Doing things such as walking, jogging, hiking, biking, are all great ways to get your cardio in without having to incorporate it into your split.

Schwarzenegger’s Workout Routine – 6 Day Split

This type of split is for advanced people who are experienced in the gym and are looking to take their gains to the next level.

Generally, this much exercise is not needed for the average person, unless you’re somebody who is in a bodybuilding competition.

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 6 day split

Day 1Bench Press 3-4 sets, Incline bench press 3-4 sets, Dumbbell pullovers 3-4 sets, Chin ups 3-4 sets, Bent over row- 3-4 sets, Deadlift 3-4 sets, Crunches 3-4 sets
Day 2Barbell clean and press 3-4 sets, Dumbbell lateral raises- 3-4 sets, Upright row 3-4 sets, Military press 3-4 sets, Standing barbell curl 3-4 sets, Seated dumbbell curl 3-4 sets, Closed grip bench press 3-4 sets, Standing barbell tricep extension 3-4 sets, Wrist curls 3-4 sets, Reverse wrist curls 3-4 sets, Reverse crunches 3-4 sets
Day 3Squats 3-4 sets, Lunges 3-4 sets, Leg curls 3-4 sets, Stiff leg deadlift 3-4 sets, Good mornings 3-4 sets, Standing calf raises 3-4 sets, Crunches 3-4 sets
Day 4Bench press 3-4 sets, Incline bench press 3-4 sets, Dumbbell pullovers 3-4 sets, Chin ups 3-4 sets, Bent over row 3-4 sets, Deadlift 3-4 sets, Crunches 3-4 sets
Day 5Barbell clean and press 3-4 sets, Dumbbell lateral raises- 3-4 sets, Upright row 3-4 sets, Military press 3-4 sets, Standing barbell curl 3-4 sets, Seated dumbbell curl 3-4 sets, Closed grip bench press 3-4 sets, Standing barbell tricep extension 3-4 sets, Wrist curls 3-4 sets, Reverse wrist curls 3-4 sets, Reverse crunches 3-4 sets
Day 6Squats 3-4 sets, Lunges 3-4 sets, Leg curls 3-4 sets, Stiff leg deadlift 3-4 sets, Good mornings 3-4 sets, Standing calf raises 3-4 sets, Crunches 3-4 sets

Upper/Lower 6 Day Routine

This is another example of a workout split that’s different from the popular PPL split.An upper/lower split is a type of workout routine that involves performing various upper and lower exercises. The one we have created goes to 4 days, but you can always repeat a day if you choose to workout 6 days.

Generally, this type of schedule is more simplified than PPL. So if you’re looking for a schedule other than PPL, this type of split is just as effective.

Upper 1Chest, shoulders, Back- Bench press 3-4 sets, Chest supported row 3-4 sets, Shoulder press 3-4 sets, Cable chest flys 3-4 sets
Lower 1Legs, hamstrings, calves- Deadlift 3-4 sets, Isolated leg press 3-4 sets, Step ups 3-4 sets, Hamstring curl 3-4 sets, Calf raises 3-4 sets
Upper 2Chest, back, shoulders- Seated pulldown 3-4 sets, Seated row 3-4 sets, Incline bench press 3-4 sets, Lateral raises 3-4 sets
Lower 2Legs, quads- Leg press 3-4 sets, Glute bridges 3-4 sets, Donkey kick backs 3-4 sets, Leg extensions 3-4 sets, Calf raises 3-4 sets

How To Combine Muscle Groups For The 6 Day Split

To adopt a 6 day splits training program, one possible method is to join together synergist muscle groups in every workout. This might entail hitting the chest, shoulders and triceps all in one session. These muscles work closely together and often grow evenly with concentrated training.

Other synergist muscle groups that may be worth targeting in your workouts include the back and biceps, the legs and glutes, or even the core muscles. 

To get the most out of your 6 day split routine, it is important to plan your workouts carefully. This might include choosing a variety of exercises that activate multiple muscle groups at once, while also incorporating both compound and isolation movements based on your overall goals.

Additionally, you should pay close attention to proper form and pacing in order to prevent overtraining or injury.

With consistent practice and proper programming, a 6 day split routine can be an effective way to build strength and achieve your fitness goals.

Here Are Some Last Thoughts On The 6 Day Workout Routine

A 6 day split is a type of training program that involves performing 6 different workouts over the course of a week.

This split is designed to break up your training into smaller, more manageable chunks, which can be beneficial for both your performance and recovery.

One of the primary advantages of a 6-day split is that it allows you to spread out your weekly training over more days, making each one less intense and reducing the risk of muscle soreness and other types of physical fatigue.

Additionally, by committing to regular training each day, you are more likely to make exercise a regular part of your everyday routine.

However, there are also some downsides to using a 6 day split. For example, it can be physically and mentally demanding for those who aren’t used to structured training or who have other obligations in their life.

To fully reap the benefits of this type of program and recover effectively between workouts, it is important to allow yourself time for adequate rest and recovery between sessions.

If you are looking for a workout plan that will help you gain strength and endurance while keeping you motivated and injury-free, then a 6 day split may be right for you!


Is working out 6 days a week effective?

A 6 day split can be an effective way to improve your strength and endurance. However, it is important to make sure that you are allowing yourself time for adequate rest and recovery between workouts.

What is the best 6 day workout split?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The best 6 day workout split for you will depend on your goals, fitness level, and schedule. However, a common approach is to focus on combining synergist muscle groups in each workout.

Is a 6 day workout too much?

A 6 day workout may be too much for some people. It is important to make sure that you are allowing yourself time for adequate rest and recovery between workouts. If you are feeling excessively tired or sore, then you may need to scale back your training.